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 Pastor Larry Stratton - Christ Community Church St. Charles, Illinois 

Canning Hunger

thru Neighborhood Connections


A dual-goal strategy to fight local hunger while intentionally building relationships with your neighbors

Here’s Why It Works

It works because it enables you to connect with your neighbors naturally by simply inviting them to help serve hungry kids and their families in their own community. This simple non-threatening approach is a comfortable next step to prayer-walking (some people call it “the ultimate ice-breaker”).

Canning Hunger thru Neighborhood Connections is a strategy that gives us the courage to go from our neighbors sidewalks to their front door. It finally takes us from prayer-walking to neighbor-talking. - Dr. Paul Cedar / Chairman - Mission America

Here’s How It Works

Visit approximately 10 of your closest neighbors and invite them to share one or more non-perishable food items from their cupboards to help fight hunger right where they live. What could be easier?

“Canning Hunger is, without exception, the easiest, most effective neighbor-to neighbor relationship building strategy I have ever seen.” - Rev. Bob Baily - Indiana

Here’s What We’ve Learned

After years of experience, and knocking on thousands of doors, here’s 3 things you can be sure of:

  1. Canning Hunger thru Neighborhood Connections never fails.

  2. You can never knock on ten doors without collecting some amount of food.

  3. You can never knock on ten doors and not either deepen an existing relationship or start a new relationship with someone you had never met before.

Canning Hunger thru Neighborhood Connections is a strategy that gives us the courage to go from our neighbors sidewalks to their front door. It finally takes us from prayer-walking to neighbor-talking. - Dr. Paul Cedar / Chairman - Mission America

Here’s What Happens Immediately

You learn new names of people who live within walking distance of your own front door. You increase the name recognition of your church in your community. You often times learn of needs that you or your church can serve. You have a very real impact on hunger right where you live.

“I’ve been doing this for two years. I now know dozens of my neighbor’s names, and they now know me by name. Canning Hunger gives you the perfect reason to intentionally converse with your neighbors.” - Candace - California

Here’s Where the Food Goes

All of the food stays in the community where it is collected. It is then distributed through your own church pantry, an agency that your church supports, or the agencies in your community that are already experts at getting the food to those who need it the most.

Imagine the impact on you and your church as you pray for your neighbors by name, while building and maintaining lasting, meaningful relationships.

Once friendships have formed, and you continue to pray for and talk with your neighbors about their dreams and needs, real relationships build, real trusts begin to grow, and real doors open that often lead to an opportunity to invite them to church, to an event, a small group, or a BBQ.

“Wouldn’t it be incredible if your neighbors, over a period of time, began to share with you their needs, dreams, and spiritual desires? That happens with Canning Hunger thru Neighborhood Connections.” - Bruce Wilkinson /Author - “Prayer of Jabez”

As those relationships grow naturally, they often times lead to opportunities to effectively share the Gospel.

“While prayer and fasting remain the foundation of spiritual revival, we come to a point where we must boldly and lovingly share the Gospel. Canning Hunger paves an incredible path for the messenger.” - Dr. Bill Bright (1921 - 2003) Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ


  • Neighborhood Bible studies form or expand.

  • Small group ministries are empowered.

  • Neighborhood gatherings become more widespread.

  • Support develops for specific needs.

  • New ministry opportunities are discovered.

  • Individual prayer life develops new depth.

  • Un-churched neighbors learn where to turn to in crisis.

  • “Dis-connected” Christians get “Re-connected”

© 1992 by Canning Hunger

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VERIFIED Since: 06/19/2014

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